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These are my thoughts on what is happening.
After spending the hours/days/weeks on investigating what is happening in Ukraine and other areas, I am now going to voice my thoughts on the situation.
These thoughts include many aspects including those, some would call conspiracies.
The plague/bacterial pneumonia that has been in Ukraine AFTER Spraying was done trying to cause a Major outbreak of disease. I firmly believe it was done on purpose and Ukraine was the testing place for the first spraying!
I firmly believe it is being done by TPTB - WHY?
With all the economic breakdowns and Ukraine has many problems with many complicated aspects involved with their breakdown. From the Presidential elections and power plays, to their money problems, to Russia wanting their resources of gas, to so many other internal problems they have, after I researched what is going on there, they were the perfect testing ground in TPTB eyes. I feel very bad for Ukraine's people, after all I have read about their situation. Their political situation is sickening - it is not about the people there, it is about the power players. The country is underwater financially, trying to get loans from the IMF and they do not have good medical care overall.
Poland - the Health Minister has remained firm (which is awesome) against vaccines - could their spraying (still not sure, it actually happened) be part of a retaliation against the Polish people?
I also believe this spraying did not have the complete effect TPTB have wanted, the amount of spreading of the disease/plague has decreased from all that I have read (unless the numbers are being hidden).
What does that mean?
It means TPTB may have used the spraying of Ukraine as a test - to see how effective the disease sprayed was and how well it would spread.
Are they now refining the disease, so it will be more lethal for the coming sprayings planned?
I believe there will be 9 times of spraying, which we will hear about with sickness afterwards.
I also believe there have been 4 so far (by my count).
One - Ukraine
Two - Paraguay
Three - Poland (though not sure about that one)
Four - Saratov
Considering a certain program stated a long time ago "ill winds" would start at the end of Oct. - and then the spraying of Ukraine happened - says the program was exactly correct in it's predictions.
The prediction says 9 times around the world with these "ill winds". I thought about it many times on how it could be 9 times. After hearing of more incidents of spraying - beginning in Paraguay with the spraying of a tribe there and them being sick afterwards, made me realize, we would hear about spraying and then people being sick afterwards 9 times.
It was somewhat confirmed after I read the newest Web bot alta report that came out yesterday. You can get it here: for $10.00, it is 58 pages. BUT I warn you - Do not get it - if you can not handle some extreme changes in the world coming up.
It mentioned the "ill winds" saying the 9 times was SET in the language and the "ill winds" WILL be around the world 9 times!
Now, think about the one place that would be the best to spray.... where people from every corner of the world will be there, thus the disease is set to absolutely travel to every single country of the world. After the testing of Ukraine and the refining of the disease to make it more contagious, it could then spread around the world, from this one event. Which is also mentioned in the report, as having spraying being done and disease following that spraying. Now, you guess which event is coming up that will have people from Every corner of the world, in February and is an ideal place to set off a world wide plague/disease! The language from the web bot - has the Olympics firmly within it - as spraying of disease!
Now, I have been contacting Medical Examiners and even though information SHOULD BE Public about what caused deaths, I am Getting Nowhere! I have now been asking ONE SIMPLE QUESTION - Which is: "Did the People die of Bacterial Pneumonia?" The people I talk to will NOT answer that One question nor will others call me back. I have challenged the people at the examiners offices, asking WHY they will not answer that? Also, isn't that information suppose to be available to all?
Those of you in Iowa, North Carolina, Texas and in the countries of Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Norway to contact your medical examiners office and DEMAND to know - if Bacterial Pneumonia was the cause of death with the Bleeding Lungs!
Bacterial Pneumonia, is the Plague/1918 Spanish Flu causes of death.
WHO and the governments of the World Need to Be Honest about the deaths and what has caused them, without giving us the same old tired story of "Swine flu and Get your vaccine"!
Bacterial Pneumonia CAN BE SPRAYED - I have posted many things about it, even from the U.S. government about using it as bio terrorism.
There comes the question of WHY - WHY would governments do this - sounds way too conspiracy minded - right?
This part gets into all the other things going on right now.
Consider the amount of FRAUD the banks and governments have committed and are still hiding AND when the full information of all the Tungsten Filled FAKE Gold that is out there in 400 oz bars.
All the banks, governments and Media shrills are saying "We are over the worst" BUT the TRUE Facts are - they are HIDING the Worst. The WORST of the economic situation is yet to come.
To me, this is like what Enron did, they hid for years the REAL Books, they manipulated the numbers - BUT finally they could be manipulated no longer and they Fell with a Big Bang! That is what is happening, I believe in the U.S and other places in the world. The governments are hiding it all - along with the banks.
Do the governments want mass riots when people realize they have been fooled and Lied to? NO
How can they lessen the impact the most? Make people sick.
Think they would not do that? Look at history, Governments do whatever needs to be done, to get to the end result THEY WANT!
Look at Pearl Harbor (U.S. govt. KNEW it was going to happened and allowed it - to get into World War 2) - The U.S. Govt. ALLOWED Thousands to DIE - and the Naval Ships Destroyed.
Earlier in history, they gave Indians blankets with small pox, because they WANTED the land!
The LIE of Iraq being involved with 9/11 - just to go to war with them and take over the country.
The Fact that has just been released that Bin Laden had been cornered in Afghanistan, BEFORE the U.S. went into Iraq, so they let him go - otherwise the Iraq war would not be warranted nor accepted by the people.
The Official FACTS of 9/11from the U.S. government - are NOT True - research it - you will find that statement I just made is TRUE! I am not going to get into 9/11 here - But I will say.... aren't you curious WHY so many pilots/architects/engineers/politicians/t.v. personalities - the list goes on and on - Say 9/11 could NOT have Happened as the official government statement says it did? The buildings collapsing is the KEY part - ESPECIALLY Building 7 and the Pentagon hit! RESEARCH IT - FIND OUT - The Truth WILL SET YOU FREE - But then you will QUESTION Everything else - which is what I have been doing!
Vietnam war was based on Lies in the beginning.
The list goes on and on - all confirmed (except for 9/11) at this time.
So does it make sense, considering the world's economic situation is breaking down that Now - people are being sprayed and made to get sick, so there will be less mass rioting when TRUTH comes out?
The above is filled with conspiracies, yet - if you research all above mentioned, you will find they are not really conspiracies, but reality.
Also mentioned in the new alta report out yesterday.... is a Fashion change slated for around February of 2010 - where faces are hidden under mask - INCLUDING EYES - with glasses/goggles, for around the world.
So, I will say again - get prepared for this - while supplies are available.
BUT - I also believe there are ways to combat this by us all.
First getting information OUT that spraying has and is occurring to cause disease BESIDES the Chemtrails that are laid across the Earth's skies every day.
If in your area - if there are Low flying planes and helicopters - that Are actually spraying something - Alert people around you and get the information Out.
I believe if we all come together with Actual Knowledge - Truth and Knowledge is the Key to Combating what may be planned, we can survive the "ill winds" planned.
Also, I have been spending literally Hours investigating a certain person - which I have hinted at before in a previous post - I have come up with some very interesting information, which I am not ready to release yet. There is ONE key information I have yet to find, which would be Absolute Proof of what looks to be the Truth of the site/person that they are Part of the PTB/vaccine companies/WHO game! Their plays of the game are to cause constant Fear - be quoted by MSM and release information of Mutations all the time, but Not the Real Truth! They have embedded themselves in the alternative media too - being quoted by them all the time - they were set there to do that, so they control the information on BOTH sides! BUT history shows how embedded the site/person is with the vaccine makers and Big Institutions, supported by Rockefeller etc, of which I DO Have Proof of. Again, there is ONE Thing I want to find, before I post my findings.
The Following IS TO THOSE INVOLVED IN THE SPRAYINGS, who may be reading this:
How can you Live with yourself, knowing you will cause suffering and death around the world?
Be it your job of a pilot, bioengineer, virologist, government worker, Military personnel, WHO worker, etc - Do you Really feel your job to follow orders and not lose it, is more important than saving Millions of lives, by NOT following orders? Do you realize what you are doing and will do, affects your OWN family and friends?! Don't you think your Own Soul Salvation and Karma is important? If you did, you would Stop doing what you are doing!
Please, if you are involved in Chemtrails or the Spraying of Disease - Quit your job - Leave the Military - Come out in the Opened about it - HELP combat it - for your good of your own soul, the good of your family and friends AND the good of the World! All of us out here, WILL help you get the message out. Can you live with yourself for the rest of your life and can you live with yourself after you die, do you Really know where you will be going then, if you are part of a plan to cause disease and death around the world?
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this website.
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